Thursday 29 September 2011

Alphabet Soup Part 1. More Inspiration Part 4

Alphabet Soup Part 1. More Inspiration Part 3

In this video the text 'pops-out' at the viewer, something I could try and reproduce in 2D black and white?

Alphabet Soup Part 1. More Inspiration Part 2

This poster is full of words that 'pop' out at you, mostly by adding a simple dropshadow. The poster is crowded but I think that this complicated style will be interesting to the audience it targets. It allows the viewers eye to roam about the page and study all aspects of the event.

 By adding a non-symmetrical grid of wires. They look like constriction lines, giving the viewer what I think looks like a birds eye view of the letter c. This is an interesting experiment but I wonder how effective it would be in practice.

 By creating the letter out of something we are all aware of as a three dimensional object we assume that it IS three dimensional. By using Lego bricks the viewer recognises that the object is free standing.

Alphabet Soup Part 1. More Inspiration

I've been looking at some typefaces which may help me with the project. All have something about them which says 'pop' to me so maybe I can incorporate some of the ideas these designers had into my own designs.