Wednesday 27 February 2013


Here are some northern Italian locations which we should study if we are going to make our idea look realistic. I feel that it is important to strike a good balance between realism and the limitations of paper cut outs. It is clear for these images that we need to focus on a mountainous region with small rural towns, churches and low density industry. We should add a bit of foliage in to fill up some detail and perhaps a lake or river, although this will need some planning due to the perspective issues with our book, for example a large flat object like a lake may ruin perspective if another layer is just a few blades of grass. These are problems we can iron out in planning.

 One problem we have with the Mill scene idea is that paper mills are really just big factories billowing out smoke. This isn't an image that we believe Fedrigoni would want portrayed on their behalf. To avoid this whilst also keeping the mill in the centre of the picture we have decided to make it an old fashioned mill. This will add a level of quaintness to the idea of the big paper mill and we can also tie it into Fedrigonis 19th century roots.