Thursday 29 December 2011

5 Good Crit Questions

Crits allow us to gain critical feedback on the work we have been doing for a givem brief so far, We can share our ideas and solutions to problems as well as what we do and dont like about any given piece of work.
This is useful because it means that we are never designing on our own, we always have a test to see if what we are creating is a viable piece of design. We can also take away a greater appreciation of what we should do next and a plan of action on how to move forward.
More importantly we get used to taking criticism in a positive way, and also how to give criticism in a useful way that isn't just hacking at other peoples work, but shows ways to make room for improvement.
We use the DIET acronym to crit successfully.


5 good questions for Crits:

1. Who is the Audience? Have they been considered properly?
2. What does the work communicate? Is it clear?
3. Is the medium the work has been produced in suitable?
4. Where will the work be viewed? What situation will the audience be in when they view it?
5. Is the work aesthetically pleasing. Does it look good? 

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