These are some designs I have been looking at for inspiration on this 8 week brief. I realised that most of these posters that caught my eye have some very central circular figure that I could transfer into the shape of a diamond for my work...
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This is just an ad for a designer, I like the mystical nature of this work. All different components floating above a desert at an artificial nighttime. It is a strange decision to make the only object with colour the triangle. This is something I could consider for the postcard brief too.
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This is a smart poster about the holocaust. It is essentially a timeline of 'antisemitism' and the large zone in the middle marks the dates of the holocaust, also creating the moustache of Hitler who is fairly hidden in the background. There is something about this poster that I find quite cheesy. Knowing that this is such a serious subject, the designer seems to have ignored that drawing fake moustaches on pictures of people is comical, and im not sure if this adds to the work of takes away something from it.
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Again some surreal design, another landscape. Not sure if this actually falls into fine art...
But the shape in the middle with its symmetry is something I can take inspiration from on this current brief. Creating something similar and replacing it with a diamond is something I could test out. I like the darkness of this work, its quite mysterious and has some real character for me.
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Another strange space themed design for Nova 9, a pinball game that I assume is based on the sci-fi tank game from 1991. Still the level of Photoshop skills here is pretty inspirational and it continues with the surreal space like theme of some other work I have been looking at. I cant work out if the image is of a ball hitting a surface and shattering something of if it is an image of a planet being ripped apart.
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The same thing again. Black and white landscape which some bizarre central object. I didn't realise when I was picking these designs that I was so drawn to this layout. Its is probably something I should consider when I design some more Posters and Flyers of 100 Things.
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Carton is one of many new fonts I have downloaded for this brief, I showcase this one because it is probably the nicest and well rounded out of the lot. It has a quite relaxed but heavy feel to it because it has serif's but is all uppercase as the same time.