Saturday 19 May 2012


We had a crit on Friday which was useful for feedback but unfortunately timed for me as I had already send my publication to print externally so could not make changes if I wanted too. The feedback was generally positive with some people disagreeing with some of my choices regarding fonts, colour and layout grid.
As I say, I cant make any more changes now but I did consider the layout of the publication which I documented quite thoroughly in previous posts.The colour and font issue is something I though may be an issue. I suppose that It was difficult to stick to a uniform design when each puzzle ran on a different theme. This is why they variate so much but it would be interesting if I had experimented with colour more so that these aspects could have been more consistent.

It is also important to note that I submitted a test version for this crit. I printed this off double size with a lazer-jet and ring bound it. Not fancy but usable for the crit. Fingers crossed that the final version will arrive in the post before deadline.

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