Saturday 10 November 2012

LECTURE 4// Cities and Film

Cities and Film
The city in modernity
Urban sociology
As both a public and private space
City in postmodernism

Simmel (1858-1918)
-German Sociologist
-Writes about the effect of the city on the individual, how to negotiate your environment. 

Lewis Hine (1932)
-The vulnerability of the human amongst the city. 

Louis Sullivan 
-Creation of modern sky scraper
-Fire damaged buildings from the war allowed urban regeneration. 

-Celebrates the shape of industry

-Mass production, the cycle of production and consumption.

Charlie Chaplin
-Comedy sequences where a man struggles with machines and is eventually swallowed by the machine. 

A Flaneur:
-Rather than being swallowed by the city like the working classes, the flaneur could stroll the streets looking for experiences. The higher classes had more time. 

Walter Benjamin
-Urban arcade or mall, is an experience of the city in an enclosed environment.

Janet Wolf
-Figure of a woman on the street is as a prostitute or a crazy bag lady. She thinks that a female is alone in the city.

-Took photos of murder victims in the streets, had a police radio to achieve this. 
-Wrote a book called the Naked City.

LA Noire
-Uses the cities style, set in 1940's. 

Ridley Scott
-Future dystopian cities are depicted in most films.

Despite being amongst millions in the city you are still alone. 

-City bombards us with information
-There is a confusion of imagery and no subject in her work. 

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