Saturday 7 December 2013

COP3// DSI Visual Identity Manual

This post details the creation of the visual identity manual. As with the UK Space Agency manual from last year this is will follow the chapters of LEGO's visual identity manual as a benchmark. Above is the master page, I have chosen to mark the Text logo at the top of every page as well as the title of the publication underscored by a heavy red line. The aim of the Visual Identity Manual is to set about rules of what makes the new logo, how to use it and a few examples of it in use to contextualise. This will make up the core of my practical project to synthesise the ideas behind the new identity with what I found out in the dissertation project.

Front cover features the 'Full Logo' followed by the 'Text Logo' and the title of the publcation. I ahve given these names the the different marks to distinguish between the logo with and without the 'Encounter line'.

Contents page marks the contents of the publication and a short introduction to introduce the purpose of the manual. It important to note that I am designing on A4 size sheets with a double page spread spanning A3 here, the aim to to trim the first column of each side after printing so no design appears here in these screen-shots. This will give the final printed publication an unusual shape but the content will fit well in this layout.

First page to illustrte the different aspects of the 'Full Logo', introducing some basic rules of usage.

This DPS details the colours that make up the new visual identity.

Introducing the 'Text Logo' and some basic rules, some of which apply to the 'Full Logo'.

This page illustrates how the logo should be angled and goes on to give examples on how not to use the identity with a short description.

This page displays the colours which can be used in with the new identity as well as the terms of using other 'special colours' for use on things like mission insignia of animations.

These pages describe the elements of the Text and Full logos and what the design illustrates.

These two double pages display the fonts that can be used alongside the new visual identity. I practice these would be the typefaces that DSI gets licence to use on any products. This is followed by a notes section as typefaces could be added, taken away or changed.

The aim of this whole chapter is to illustrate the usage of the visual identity and contextualise it in real work examples. The aim is to illustrate how the logo can be used and its flexibility and adaptability to different situations. A short piece of text comes with each example to explain what is illustrates here.

Final pages of the publication list out contact details. These are not real details but are what I consider to be necessary in this context for the purpose of illustrating a real visual identity manual.

 The aim is to get the visual identity manual printed and bound in the next few days. The overall aesthetic should be corporate by approachable, so I would like to use bleach white stock with a more tactile cover.

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