Thursday 14 November 2013

COP3// Final DSI Logo Design

This is the final design for the new Deep Space Industries visual identity. I have refined the text and encounter line elements described in the previous logo post to make a more refined design. I have also chosen to use two colours in the official design also each can be used separately is necessary, the overall identity is dictated by the shape. I ended up going with the open D shape, it aesthetically appears more sci-fi and connotes the excitement and possibly that this context brings. The colours reference a corporate image mixed with the red of the old NASA worm logo and a dark grey of space. The heavy lines are reflect on the heavy industry nature of mining and creates a more rugged design physically for use in these extreme conditions. I removed the second line from the encounter line because I felt that it looked a bit to militaristic and wanted to distance the logo from that field.

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