Monday 4 November 2013

COP3// DSI: The Practical Plan.

 So the plan for my practical is to take the existing design elements for the company Deep Space Industries and redesign their visual identity. This will involve a new logo, and noew mission insignia for the Firefly and Dragonfly missions. Find out more about them here:

The link between this practical and my written element will be that companies like DSI and Planetary Resources are in a modern age space race. One which involves private organisations working towards the commodification of space. The design challenge will be similar to the ones NASA faced, to work out a way to be publicly acceptable despite huge costs. NASA had to will the public for support through taxes, DSI will need money from investors so a strong visual identity is necessary. 

 The current DSI Logo.
 The current insignia for the Firefly and Dragonfly insignia.

 Examples of imagery and tone of voice portrayed by the website.

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