Friday 11 November 2011

STUDIO TASK 1// Aesthetics

A selection of images I find appealing to look at:

D.A Sanborn 1867
These posters really capture a generation of American style. It was pretty unique at the time and descended form a mixture of English, French and Spanish typography. I find this style so interesting because of the history and culture of the time which is evident in the style. I also love the intricate detail, almost banknote quality of print and over the top decoration which add a certain character to the poster.

Eric Frommelt 2011
“I’m obsessed with technology, maps, data visualizations, information graphics, technical diagrams, infrastructure, architecture and complexity – all of which informs my work.” -Frommelt
I am also very interested in the geometry of work, I love work which feels balanced and well composed to look at. I think Frommelt uses geometry to achieve a perfect balance between image and space in his design.  I particularly like this image because of the mixture between warm and cold colours, the huge sphere looks like a sun under construction and the net suggests three dimensions to a two dimensional image.

Atelier Olschinsky 2011
I find the whole series of photographs here (link) really aesthetically pleasing. They are photos of a classic car track day taken by a multi-talented graphic designer and photographer. The post processes seem to add saturation and depth of colour all at the same time, reflecting camera equipment present at the time many of the cars were made. Other post-process effects create this soft warm glow which could represent the 'glory days' of motor sport that the cars were made in.

Atelier Olschinsky
Another series designed by Olschinsky (link) is something I find really inspirational. Firstly the main body of the posters is filled with incredibly detailed imagery. I am unsure if it suppose to be a beautiful futurescape or a dystopian hell, which adds to the mystery of the image as well as my intrigue. The type at the top of the image is well balanced and does not take way or add to the image but sits nicely with it.

James White 2011
I love imagery associated with the film Drive, many, many designers have started creating their own fan made posters for the film as it quickly becomes a cult classic.This poster has been hailed as successful because it captures an aspect of speed with the straight horizontal lines, the colours and style also reflect the style of music and filming that the director used.

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