Sunday 27 November 2011

HOW TO MAKE SMALL TALK// Primary Research

1) What do you consider to be small talk?
-Talking about the weather. Pointless conversation.
-Chit-Chat, filling in spaces where there is silence. Trivia Talk.
-Pass on rumours and news by word of mouth. Conversations had while stuck in lift.
-Short casual conversation, usually about unimportant topic.
-Light Unimportant conversation between people who don't know each other very well.
-Usually when you are with others and it would be uncomfortable not to speak.
-Chit chat, trying to fill a silence.
-Polite conversation.
-Weather, what you have done over the weekend, useless conversation.

2) In what type of situations do you use small talk?
Social -- 9
Work -- 6

3) What topics do you discuss when undertaking small talk?
Weather -- 6
TV Programmes -- 2
Sport -- 3
Current Events -- 6
Other -- 1 (work related bitching)

4) How Important do you find small talk?
Very Important -- 1
Important -- 2
Neither -- 3
Unimportant -- 2
Very Unimportant -- 1

5) Why do you think you use small talk?
-To get into conversation an break the ice.
-Break tension.
-To avoid awkward silence
-To fill up awkward silences, when there is nothing else to do
-Because I want to establish a relationship with someone
-To fill a silence, to be polite.
-Break the ice, fill silence.
-If you want to get to know people.
-To pass the time.

6) How many times a day do you think you 'small talk'?
Never -- 0
Up to 2 times -- 5
Up to 4 times -- 2
More than 6 times -- 2

7) Who do you usually engage in small talk with?
- Colleagues, friends, clients.
- Strangers
- Strangers, Acquaintances
- People when travelling or customers at work
- Anyone, most likely work colleagues
- Customers
- Grandmother

8) What age group do you usually engage in conversation with?

Under 18) -- 0
18-25) -- 6
26-40) -- 1
41-60) -- 3
Over 60) -- 2

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