Thursday 6 December 2012

LECTURE 8// Creative Rhetoric

"Different artists often have quite diverse conceptions of what they are doing."

D&AD the blank sheet project, idea started to illustrate what creatives think that creativity means.

Rutger thinks that the Dutch are pessimistic.
Then talks about Silvester Stilone being a non-creative, comparing him to Ridley Scott as someone who he could really have a 'Creative Flow' with.

Rosso, Diesel Founder.
"The best must be the next" Idea that every idea has to be the best idea a person has.
"When you do things before other people, they treat you like you are stupid."

Plato spoke of Mimesis, there is a world that exists beyond the physical world, a real word. He writes that art and creativity is a mimic or the mimicked world. A low form of intelligence.

Bernal argues that northern Africa built the foundations of ancient Greece which in turn built the western world.

1 The creative Genius. Kant spoke of romanticism, this movement redefined the role of the creative mind as a role of intelligence and importance. Value was found in originality. The artist is a creator, not an imitator. Hegarty thinks that collaboration ruins the aspect of individual creativity.

2 The Creative Classroom, Accadamies of art in 14c Italy, grew idea of creativity as an academia.

3 Democratic and political creativity, creativity is closely related to democratic and political ideas and philosophies. Internet has allowed people to share information, and ideas. 

5 Creativity as an economic imperative.

6 Play and Creativity, divergent thinking techniques.

7 Creativity and Cognition. Physic-cultural perspective on creativity. Occurs when challenges and skills are both high.

8 The creative accordances of technology.

Lanier says "you have to be somebody before you can share yourself".

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