Tuesday 4 December 2012

WEB AND PRINT// ISTD Visual Research/ Fakery

Evolution vs Fakery, these photos are visual representations of what I consider to be fakery (Michael Jackson and comic sans), vs Evolution (the early vertebrates and Century Gothic). These images will be juxtaposed at some point in a website and print based product to make a point about good vs bad typeface design. For now I'm using comic sans, however I do feel that despite the hate it generates, its not really an example of terrible design to the degree that Michael Jackson is an example of terrible plastic surgery. In contrast copying and fakery in nature can be a result of the evolutionary process, and is a good thing, taking a good thing and making it better still, so it can continue to exist as the world and environment changes.

Fakery, comic sans based on batman and watchmen comic strips. A good thing turning bad.

Fakery, Jackson. A good thing turning bad.

Evolution, Early vertebrates, Evolving from fish and walking on land.

Evolution, early sans serif typefaces like Futura evolve into Century Gothic to suit printing methods, saving ink, the environment and costs.

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