Thursday 13 December 2012

LECTURE 9// Identity

Historical conceptions of identity
How foucualt thought of 'discourse methodology.
To place and critique contempary practice of identity.

-We have a biological make up that makes us the way we are
-Allows stereotypes.
-Disagreed by post modern theorists.

-Quake science.
-Brain is separated into areas that control different aspects of  personality. Head shape will allow people to be considered differently.
-Born in western Europe anglo historic face proportions are considered more intelligent.
-Hitler used this thinking to develop the idea of Arianism.

Hieronymous Bosch, Christ crucifixion paintings, drew Jews as stereotypes. Lead to a large amount of anti-semitism.

Historical Phases of Identity

Pre-Modern Identity
-Determined by Marriage, Monarchy, Government, Religion, Patriarchy. Very difficult to move out of the divides. Only really by marriage.

Modern Identity.
-Vested interests broken, farmers and workers move to city and build working class with an identity.
-Venlen 'Conspicuous consumption of valuable goods is a means of reputability to the gentlemen of leisure', speaking of the flaneur. You don't have to go to work, you are free to wander and its something to aspire to.
-Upper class vs lower class identity.
-Driven by fashion, there is a trickle down theory, emulations, distinction, the 'mark' of fashion. The poor copy the rich fashion. The rich change fashion and the fashion cycle is born.

-Foucualt said that 'discourse analysis' a set of statements that define someone: Age, Class, Gender, Nationality, Race, Sexual orientation. 
-People become 'others'.

-You have an awareness of your own class status, if you see someone as lower class you will know or perceive that you are higher than them.
-Perceptions of how people live their lives are loaded in other class circles.
-Martin Parr, New Brighton, Think of England, Think of Germany, is it social commentary, or a mockery?

-Gender identity in art is strong, female artists are labelled 'Female Artists'.
-Tracey Emin made the artwork, 'everyone who I have slept with' and was labelled a slag. Picasso slept with lots of women and was called a bit of a lad. 

Post-Modern Identity
-Liquid Modernity and Liquid Love, books.
-Identity is constructed through our social experience.
-Life is like a theatre. identity is "an objective". Zygmunt Bauman.
-Other people lives can be more shit than yours, you can take some conciliation from this and enjoy looking at them, i.e Eastenders.

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