Friday 10 May 2013

STUDIO BREIF 2// Useful Links
-Little bit of a hypocritical list however was a good starting point for research into a wider world of cults. Also helped me understand how far I could push the beliefs of the cult without going to far for a short uni project.
Beliefs and practices of the Raelian movement. Contains a lot of useful links to articles and their own websites.
Explores Raelism in a more critical light. Points out obvious factual errors in an obvious way but was a good way to understand some of Raelisms more secretive beliefs.
Again a useful place to start and follow links to articles and journals about the subject.
Linked directly to Scientology as its theological predecessor.
Founder of Diabetics and Scientology, good research to find out more about the background of a real cult leader. Using this as a starting point I have come up with a few ideas for my own.
Explores how Scientology makes its money, with references to articles on tax evasion and its status as a church or a business. My cult will be operated like a business with its links to consumerism so getting a feel as to how these guys operate has been very insightful.
A massively detailed blog about every aspect of the Church of Scientology and how it is run. Links Scientology to a range of other programs and drug rehabilitation centres as well as critically inspecting the cults inner workings and practices.
A large forum for ex-Scientologists to talk about their experiences within the cult and how they dealt with leaving. This particular discussion is speculation about how much the church makes in a year. The discussion is not all that scientific however the forum is a unique opportunity to see what real Scientologists think about the cult.'s attempt to work out how much it would cost the average person to become a full member of the cult.
Wikipedia entry about Clonaid, raelisms Human Cloning program, with links to articles about the scam and the people involved.
 Raelisms Clonaid programs website, absolutely must visit for some first class crazy bullshit.
Raelisms homepage, a poorer cults attempt to create an inspiring website.
The richer cults website, make sure to visit the video page about the Flag Land Base, it presents the Cult like an evil organisation in an Austin Powers movie.
This video...

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