Saturday 18 May 2013

WHAT IS GOOD?// The Websites that have guided me.
The UKSA official website, a great source of knowledge as to how the organisation is run, however looks like a website for kids. Not an internationally recognised space agency.
The Wiki entry for the UKSA, not much is actually here which is sad, but they give away a few more details about future plans and interesting links to articles here too.
Wiki entry for the Skylon spaceplane, a project by British company Reaction Engines Limited that I have gotten very excited about.
List of things that space exploration has done for us. Pretty badly written and with some glaring omissions, still a good place to start.
Another list of examples of things that space exploration has done to further humanity as a whole, this time from a new atheists perspective.
A more concise list of  benefits, could still be much longer but goes into a bit more detail.
List of what satellites are used for, something I did not really fully appreciate before and they one thing humans are always putting more of into space. Note especially the usefulness of weather satellites saving hundreds of thousands of lives every year.
How to satellites benefit society, designed for high school kids in America but still useful for me and my public facing booklet.
List and graphs about what the British Government spends all of its money on. Looks at everything critically, I used this to show the value of the UKSA against other organisations. How we aren't wasting any money on space exploration at all.
How NASA recovers people from space, an example of the benefits of using a space plane that could land on a runway as well as a good bit of research about how space agencies conduct themselves.
PDF about Nasa's plan to strap rockets onto the back of 747's to help them get into orbit for cheaper. This is the American version of the British Skylon project.
Article about industrial decline in Britain, as part of my public info handbook about the UK space industry I will claim that a growth in the sector could provide jobs.This research was to find out more about industrial decline. 
BBC article about UK industrial decline during labour years, and about shift to market and services.
Article about tests for Skylon moving on nicely. Proves its efficiency and that the technology is all ready to be assembled with the correct funding.
BBC article about the formation of the UKSA and its creation back in 2010. Positively written about great goals and aims.
BBC article about Skylon space plane and its funding decisions. This article focuses on funding as well as benefits of project.
Informative but short article about Skylon Spaceplane.Written by Americans.
Talks about the meeting in Harwell for the use and future of the SKYLON and its engine the SABRE.
The Reaction Engines Ltd website, builders of the SABRE and SKYLON. Very interesting and pretty well designed too.
Poorly informed article about the sort of thing that the UKSA are up against, that we cant afford to run a navy, but can afford to send someone into space. The two are not connected.
Report about huge growth in space industry despite downturn else where, proves that market wants space exploration and that we could exploit that here if we had the right sort of people to do that. 


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