Thursday 17 January 2013

LECTURE 11// Censorship and 'Truth'

Ansel Adams, moonrise hernandes. 1941. Moon over Half Dome, 1960. Creates rather small photographs, uses the same negative over and over again, he alters what the print shows in the dark room, is this truth or manipulation?

Soviet state newspaper Pravda 'truth'. A lot of what was shown/ written about was not the truth, they edited a lot of photographs to remove political enemy from history.

Digital editing has allowed photographs to be editied on a massive scale.
9/11 had many fake ads mocked up for it.
Famous GQ Kate Winslet photographs edited with longer legs and facial enhancements.

'Death of a loyalist soldier' Robert Capa. No one is sure weather the man is actually dying. Capa is not the photographers real name, Hungarian photographer changed his name to this fabricated myth about an American photojournalist.
'The Mexican Suitcase' Capa's found in Mexico, the photo was a set up which went wrong, soldier did die but not in full battle.

'The Unseen Gulf War' Peter Turnley.
 Werent suppose to be out photographing actual war but were put in groups with the military.
Took photos of 'the mile of death' massive unseen scenes of carnage. Angry that no one can give an answer to the question 'how many deaths?'

Buallriard 'The gulf war did not take place'. An essay about how the war was masqueraded as a show. The war started in time to got out in the news. No news of people being killed, if anything slipped through american media and government would clamp down. Black and white used to 'sanitise the images' was used even in the free photography journals. Some newspapers printed one in colour and got in a lot of trouble. Should they have given it is the truth?
 Radio islam: 'much of american ausience {cant tell the difference) between entertainment and news'

An-My Le, 'Small Wars' Documented Afgan Conflict. More fine art inspired. Took beautiful landscape photos full of tanks.
Not presenting the universal truth. But the photos are slightly self-aware.

Censorship, Morals and Ethics.
Advertising, everybody wants to construct there own perfect life. Turn a bland existence for a superior one. Advertising allows this.
Cadburys Flake ads from 69, picture is of chocolate bar fellatio, is it the viewers or the designers fault that that link is made?

Opium Advert with Sophie Dahl, in original she is lying on her back, there is a nipple showing which is against the rules for ASA. It was fliped over to a portrait version, and became 'acceptable'.

Feminist writers often comment on the difference/ similarity between renaissance painting of naked women and naked women in photography today.

Balthus paintings from war time, painted young women/ possible children, clothed, but in highly sexual positions.

Bow Wow Wow (1980) used a nude photo of lead singer, who was 15, on album cover. It is a copy of a painting by Manet. There was minor outrage about it but today it would not even be thought of.

The Miller Test (1973)
Test as to whether something is obscene or not...
'To protect art whilst prhibiting trash'
'The dividing line between speech and non-speech'

Sally Man, Cansy Cigarette, 89'. Photograph of her child pretending to smoke.
Took photos of her kids nude. Like most parents, but she did blow them up, print them in books and show them in exhibitions. Paedophilia was not new, but people didn't really talk about it or know about it.
This has been copied further by Gearon in 2001. When applied to gaze theory, her photographs become very sexual. She said the shots are not sexual, if you read up on her she appears to be very naive.
Brooke Sheilds was photographed naked for an offshoot of penthouse in the late 70's. It became part of an exhibition by Richard Prince, the photograph was taken down by the police. 

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