Thursday 24 January 2013

LECTURE 12// Globalisation, Sustainability and the Media

Definitions of globalisation:

Socialist- Local and regional phenomena turn into global ones. A single society begins to function together.

Capitalist- The elimination of state-enforced restrictions on exchanges across boarders and he increasingly integrated and complex global system of production and exchanges.


Economic liberalisation. With the advent of globalisation we see a dominant culture, an Americanisation of the world perhaps.
Communication has allowed the world to be more globalised.

'Macdonaldsisation', not just the culture of America gets imposed on another, the principles of American corporations is imposed on a foreign culture. 'The MacJob'.

Marshal MaLuhan, talked about the advent of radio and tv, 'we have extened our central nervous system in a global embrace, abolishing both space and time as far as our planet is concerned'. He believed this brings us all together. 1964.
 "the globe is no more than a village", we should become more aware of global responsibility.

In many ways MaLuhan was right and wrong. We can all see the events on the news and the internet. People in power are more often held to back up their own action.

Jihad vs McWorld, book about the slow crushing of American culture on the world, but also the fight back from traditional culture, McLuhan was wrong here because he though all people would be bought together, however this has not occurred. 

'Pessimistic Hyperglobalisers' argue that we are not being connected but smothered by a larger globalised governmental bodies.

Cultural imperialism is born, instead of invading countries, cultural ideas slowly drip-feed into the national subconscious and people begin to think like there cultural imperialists.


Rigging the 'Free Market'

Most companies are owned by four or five giant multinational corporations. For example Time Warner who own massive amounts of telecommunication businesses, magazines and news corporations.

News corporations divide the world up into a Hierachy of 'market importance'
1.North America
2.Western Europe, Japan and Australia.
3.Developing economies and regional producers. (India, China, Brazil).
4.Rest of World.

This creates a slow drift of western culture on the world. As the media focuses on an interest on where the money is, this drips down to other countries, changing culture over time. 

For example the largest cosmetics growth industry in India is face whitening cream.


Five ways the news is like propaganda.(Chomsky and Herman).
-Anti Communist (now Islam) ideology. 

A tissue of lies which push the agenda of a few powerful men.
I.e, Rupert Murdoch controls a third of the UK marketplace. He boasts that if his papers support a politician, he will win the election.

You can only report what you are allowed to report. 
These news corporations also rely entirely on advertising, where huge amounts of space is assigned to an advert.

Global Climate Coalition for example, set up by Exxon, Texaco and Ford bought out a lot of 'research' about the end of global warming and wrote articles which bashed real climate scientists.

Anti Communist (Radical islamist) Ideology=
Constant remineders and warnings of an 'other', whilst also backing up our own ideologies.


Al Gore realised the cinema was the most effective way to push his views when he made 'An inconvenient truth'. Set up like a disaster movie, it outlines the more scientific, but negative side of our effects on the planet.
However the solution the film gives is that we should buy more stuff, green stuff. A very capitalist response.

In reaction you get a rebuttal from more conservative/ republican bodies. 'Global Warming is a hoax'. Paid massive amounts of money for prime time advertising with tagline; 'Carbon Dioxide, we call it life'


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