Monday 7 January 2013


 Some more visual research for the design for print and web ISTD brief. 
 I've got a real affinity towards this early 20th century cut up modernism. Real clean lines which break each other up, hinting at post modernism but just much, much more refined. Also the simple use of colour, where the orange really jumps forward dispute being printed over or retracting from the other content.

 A similar thing is seen in this typography poster however taken in a much more modern (post-modern) light. In this poster it is (at first) unclear if the type is actually part of the environment or if it has been placed there post production. Again a nice high contrast black is used.

Something much more experimental, not sure if I like this work at all, perhaps because the designer has relied on the unusual material entirely and not in any sense of true originality on the design. This is a case of, no idea, Helvetica.

This poster seems to rely on some interesting print technique to achieve this effect. It is almost like the white has been printed over wet black ink. It brings to mind a medicine bottle in style.

An interesting typography piece. White on black and messy. I would note to myself that when I design for screen print I would not like to add a screen print effect in photoshop, I think it unnecessarily detracts from the overall design, this would be better without the fake scratch marks in my opinion.
Interesting because they are unusual. Hand-drawn but distinctly digital at the same time. Again a simplification of the colours and ability to understand type-hierarchy what makes this work.

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