Monday 18 March 2013

STUDIO BRIEF 2// The Cult Logo

The Cult Logo is going to be the main identifier for the Cult. The cult will be based on panopticism and consumerism so will have to reflect these principles. I also need the cult to look fairly crazy and need some cult-like identifiers to make sure the audience sees it this way. My plan is to incorporate the 'all seeing eye' that was discussed in my essay with a shape and structure associated with the architecture of the Panopticon. I want to cult to praise a God of Screens, who controls advertisement and media and believes that it is a vision of heaven.

 Here I have taken a still from the re-education scene in A Clockwork Orange and traced over it in Illustrator. I wanted to get the biceps forcing the eye open to be at the centre of the logo, to reflect the philosophy of the religion. The eye should represent the individual followers eye as he or she is forced to watch and ingest the cults beliefs as well as representing the never-ending surveillance from God. The cult will also be about watching lots of screens so the logos focus on the gaze is important.
 The logo will be a mono-tonal seal. The text around the circumference means "The greatest Good For the Greatest Number" which is a utilitarian world-view that the minority are not important as long as an idea is beneficial to a larger number. This will reflect the cults consumerist side, as the aim of the cult it to create a perfect world were everybody is docile and normality is celebrated.  
 The logo also describes the Panopticon. The eye in the centre represents the guard tower, or God, constantly watching a ring of cells around the perimeter. I have added a small dot to each of these cells and this will represent the individual.
 I thought the logo needed to look more crazy and dominating so have been messing around with some 'rays'. This is something I have picked up from other cults and religions visual identity. The rays often represent the outreaching power (glory?) of Gods message. Or they will illuminate a path or idea. Here the rays continue and expand the eyes gaze outward into the wider world.

The final design for this first logo concept draws the rays back to a more subtle position and size.

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