Wednesday 28 March 2012


 I started the theory into practice project today by sketching out the face of Hitchcock for my first puzzle. The aim here is to translate one of Hitchcocks interviews about the Kuleshov effect into a piece of interactive graphic design.

From watching the video it is clear that there are two main 'stories' being told each with only three shots. First the man's face, followed by the subject followed by the man's reaction. Working with this my aim was to sketch out Hitchcocks face before and after the alternate shot. By sliding in various scenes for the 'man' to look at the user of the publication can re-create the Kuleshov effect in paper.

Here I sketched out the first shot of Hitchcock. I used the pen and the pencil tool here.

I then sketched out the second shot of Hitchcock smiling, after the subject of his attention has been revealed. 
This was followed by the scene of the mother and child and the scene of the lady in the bikini.

I have arranged these two different events in order on the page. When the readers see this they will be challenged to describe what sort of person the male character is in each series of events. This is just a planned Idea for my presentation but I do hope it refine this work and include it in the publication later.

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