Wednesday 18 April 2012

THEORY INTO PRACTICE// Contsructivism Pt.2

 Working off of the plans I made earlier for the constructivist maze as a template I worked out the dimensions needed for the maze to work effectively. I kept some of the details like the 'red on white action' text and general layout.

 The design is based entirely on this work by El Lissitzky in 1919. To be honest I have totally stolen the layout. But it is another reference to constructivist design that the readers can learn about.

 I drew out the maze using the dimensions of the test piece. The maze was constructed from scratch with help from an online tutorial I read a while back. Its actually fairly hard I think. The aim of the maze is to be symbolic, allowing the reader to help the red army storm the white palace; in a really nerdy and detached way.

 I placed the maze into the page and realised that the red colour was not strong enough...

 So I inverted the mazes colours. I also added a 'start here' label as well as some more references to the red triangle and white circle. I also added a 'Target' label as a more militaristic way to say 'End Here'. 

 I got rid of the that tiny version of the red and white iconography and replaced it with decoration that was more similar to the Lissitzky work.

 Here I just added more decoration for the same reason described above.

I also switched the 'Target' label to mimic the Lissitzky designs.

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