Sunday 22 April 2012

THEORY INTO PRACTICE// Word Games/ Designers

 The aim of the word games is to include some general designer knowledge into the puzzle book. This way the readers can learn about some famous designers. Some of the questions are quite hard especially with the cross-word, but it will inspire some research.

The word search was one that I generated with some code I found on the internet. I entered the words I wanted to include and It worked out a random word search. The issue I had here is that the code sends back a horrible design so I had to copy it into illustrator to restructure the letters.

This was a long and arduous process but I managed to fix the word search. I have found all of the designers In there so it does work. I will blog the solution at a later date. I also used a font called telegraphico, a nice modernist, square font that means the letters have equal space around them on all sides, resulting in a clearer layout.

The crossword was much more simple, I could just work this out in illustrator but writing out hte names and filling boxes around them.

I added numbers to the boxes for the questions which will come when I add the puzzle into Indesign to finalise the publication.

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