Saturday 28 April 2012


 I wanted to design a cover that really stood out. One that looked a bit strange, but also conveyed the content of the publication immediately. I decided that I would create a clear modernist cover and then smack a post-modern design on top. The two would interact with each other, both being clear. 
 I started with this font called 'Friday 13th' that I found on Dafont recently. I just downloaded it on a whim but it has really become useful to me. It adds a messed up rough side to the cover.

The 'modernist' side of the cover is in bebas and covers the scrawled text so that each is visually equal. Although I do think that the heavy black text dominates the page, the bright magenta stripes allow focus on the smaller white text also. I also added the tag line 'puzzles 'n' shit' which in retrospect was a bad move. I guess I was tired while I made this.

Just messed around with the text to explore the dynamics between the different layers.

I settled for this version, which is more similar to the earlier one. I did change the tag line to ' we got puzzles', again, looking back this may have been stupid. Then again it adds some post-modern flare.

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