Monday 9 April 2012


 Recently I have restarted the process if designing the context publication. For each double page spread I have to display some text for the theory, a title and the puzzle itself. The puzzles will all be different so it is important to have a running theme with the header and theory text to tie the whole publication together.

I have developed this layout of having the title in huge lettering running vertical down the left hand side of the dps. For the design of Hitchcocks film theory itself I have updated the title and worked in some interaction with the page title and the puzzle title. I have also chosen to add another scene to the puzzle. This one will add a new dimension; the 'crazy old man'.

I have chosen this popular meme of business cat to display the mans insane scene. This run of shots should discribe a 'crazy old man' to the reader.

To qualify the options that the readers have to fill into the puzzle I have added another header to the right hand page. This one gives three options to the reader; is Hitchcock a Crazy, Kind or Dirty old man? The reader will have to decide based on the scenes laid out on the dps.

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