Tuesday 9 April 2013

STUDIO BRIEF 2// The Cult - Basic Ideas

Summery: The Cult Basics

-We are controlled by a digital age God, who commands screens. On screen advertisement is actually a vision of heaven and the cult members surrender themselves to this cult and its God in return for eternity in this realm. (Free will vs Fate)
-Everyone is ‘touched’ by this ‘being’ but many do not realise; these are the ‘Unsaved’. (Like Native Americans met by Spanish Missionaries). These are people who watch Tv/ Play Games/ Internet, News etc, But do not know that a higher power is formulating what they receive to control them. 
-Followers of the Cult are therefore enlightened to the gods power, these people are called the ‘Knower's’. -The advantages of joining:
    -Surrendering life/ responsibility of actions to Higher Power.
    -Reward of Material Gain in life.
    -Reward of everlasting life in the Kingdom of Eternal Satisfaction upon death.

To Clarify; people who raise up through the Cult go to heaven where they can spend eternity living in the perfect world portrayed by on screen advertisement.

The digital God Controls everything you receive on your screens in a fabricated universe, where you live in your own bubble and wider world events are fabricated to control your own behaviour, attitude and beliefs within this area.

The god knows and can see everything you do in your on screen life however actions are not considered if you accept him/her as the one true god, you will be forgiven and will be allowed entry into heaven. If you are one of the unsaved, God, will judge you based on what you saw on screen in life, you could get into Heaven or be sent to Hell.

Other Themes (Could be incorporated)

-Tech Fairs/ Ad awards etc are secretly mass pilgramages.

-Followers must pay to progress up ranks+Have more wealth in Heaven

-If someone spent as much time praying each day as we do looking as screens, they would be massively devotional.

-Higher ranks are clearly taking advantage over lower ranks, through fear and manipulation.

-The faceless smiling mannequins you see on screen will be either representatives of the higher echelons of the Cult or Angels. People from fashion/ beauty/ food ads. The Kinder Egg kid could be the Supreme Watcher or a small angel for example.

-I want to work in aspects of many world religions as well as specific little beliefs that rasie out of these, on top of the evil empire cultist stuff you see in Scientology or the Cathoilc Church.

-Perhaps tech companies or those specifically based around screen deliverables could be akin to knights templar or some other form of hardcore order/ section of the overall Cult. 

-Social Media and the Internet has allowed for more control to seep into everyday life, also allowing the God to find out more about you for judgement, whilst re-enforcing control with more visions of heaven seen in advertisement.  

Cult Hierarchy

Supreme Watcher - 1
(The Supreme Seer/ Videntium)

Aldermen - 10

Level 3 - 10

Level 2 - 50

Level 1 - 5,000
(Paying Members)

Knowers - 23,000
(Followers/ The Flock/ Saved)

Unsaved - Aprx 7 Billion
(For they do not know, Derogatory: Drones)

Suppressive Persons - 2.5% Pop.

The Cult hierarchy is based on the hierarchy of the catholic church as well as the church of Scientology and the Mayoral system of the City of London. The suppressive persons is a level given anyone Scientology deems a problem for their faith for example, and the different levels of membership is also found here. The Aldermen are a tier that is borrowed from the City of London and the overall idea of a clear Hierarchy comes from the catholic church with institutionalises religion like no other faith.

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