Sunday 28 April 2013

STUDIO BRIEF 2// Cult Handbook Indesign

I started the design of the booklet with the Van De Graff Canon. I used this because of its history in the making of old religious texts. It will also help fix my layout to allow for room for thumbs and fingers on this small scale. Each leaf will be A6 and a DPS, A5, so it is important that room for the hands holding the booklet is made.
I have also put together this Church title for the title page on the inside of the booklet.

The grid layout that is a result and fits within the canon is very simple with an outlined space for the written tenet and a space for the associated pictogram to fit in.

 When the content is entered it fills the whole page easily despite the small amount. This is due to the printable area and layout limitations imposed on the already small page size. I made sure the layout of the content remained simple and consistent, as the handbook will be received by new recruits and simplicity is key for their conversion. 

The title page is laid out like that of a more recently printed holy book. It's purpose is to allow the cover to remain purely for the foiled logo. This is how many religious books are presented, relying on simple imagery on the cover and more detail inside. The Logo cover is also a reminder of the power of the brand within servatology.

 I have also added a smaller logo to the head of every page. This symbol flows through the book and by appearing on every page the reader is reminded of its symbolic importance. It also represents the cults God so by appearing consistently it re-enforces that panoptic notion of an omnipresent God.

 The final page reads:

If you are not a member of the CHURCH OF SERVATOLOGY you will never be saved. Come with us today and journey to the REALM OF ETERNAL SATISFACTION. Having read and accepted these few traditional teachings in your heart you have become a true Knower, However you will never enjoy the spiritual peace of SERVATOLOGY until you attend our spiritual guidance courses. Find your local spiritual guidance counsellor at:

The purpose of this final page is to round up and summarise the message of the booklet. The text throws out a few threats of torture for eternity and generally asks the reader to join the cult. At the very end is the web adress to those interested in joining to which I added the page title 'Paid Membership', noting that the cult charges for entry and is in fact a money making scheme.

The Cult Handbook is 20 pages long, I will print the inner pages black on white stock and the outer on black stock which will then be laminated with a golf foil. 

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