Monday 15 April 2013

STUDIO BRIEF 2// Idea Boards Imagery

 Here are some of the visual ideas I am exploring for the cult, I am considering to expand the cults reach from just advertisement to all things you see on a screen. If I took this step this would mean that anything from advertisement, news, political broadcast to comedy and drama was programmed by an all powerful God trying to formulate the way you think and the ideas and beliefs that you pick up through this media. The lore of the cult would change significantly If I continue forward with this Idea however it could bring up some interesting questions about the way we perceive world events and our own place in the world by the way we are presented with the 'facts' on tv and the internet. An example would be that the digital god has fabricated a Tv government that changes the way society is run for the 'Greater Good for the Greatest Number'.
 Example of how this new idea could flow on the internet, with new news every few minutes in this domain of screen based media the Digital God could fabricate world events to bend and manipulate your outlook on other cultures and general world view. He could also continue to positively represent big business.

However this expansion of the original idea treads very closely to the 'one government' conspiracy theory, which could confuse the Cults message. Additionally the God of this expanded cult would never really be seen as a good God in any capacity, whereas the original God of consumerism could easily be praised by people who wish to live by a hyper actively consumerist lifestyle. In the original Cult of Consumerism celebrities could be fabricated on screen visions of perfect humans beamed to followers for guidance on how to live a holy life. I could produce adverts with satirically placed or subliminal cult messages to order followers to consume more products.

In the Consumerist Cult the panoptic gaze is important as it will be made clear that not only God but everyone is watching you strive for perfection. The cult could be associated with fashion and health trends as well as misguided messages about the health benefits of fatty snacks. The cult could even contain hidden links to PR companies in its lore. These are all things that could give more depth to the cults history and belief system. It would be interesting if people like the Kinder kid could be saints in the Cults belief system, praised for having achieved this perfect human status that members strive for.

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