Saturday 27 April 2013

STUDIO BRIEF 2// The Cult Handbook Pictogram Set.

The Aim of the Cult Handbook is to explain the basic beliefs and tenets of the Church of Servatology Cult to any readers. The target audience will be people out shopping in busy shopping centres or town centres who are interested in Praising a God of Commercialism and consumerism whom controls Tv adverts to issue sermons on what his followers should be buying next. The Cult handbook will simplify this massage and contain a few jokes and satirical references to other religious beliefs about life, death and the afterlife.

The Pictogram

1. We must worship the digital age God, SERVŌ, whom controls screens.
-Image of an angry god figure.
-Dominates globe in size and aggressive persona. 
-Has a screen for a head.

2. On screen advertisement is actually a vision of heaven. Fact.
-Sexualised Diet Coke ad. 
-Simple 'new thing' advert. 
-Visions of a consumerist heaven. 

3. SERVŌ wants us to be happy. SERVŌ wants us to live in a perfect world, where everybody who is perfect can be free and happy. 
-People like you may find in an advert and accepted into heaven.
-Out of shape and undesirable people are excluded for not being the perfect image portrayed by advertisment.

4. SERVŌ is always watching you, as you should always be watching SERVŌ.
-Simple panoptic message. 
-God is watching your actions and judging you.
-Watching screens shows devotion in Servatology.


5. When saved Humans and small house animals die their spirits and souls go to the REALM OF ETERNAL SATISFACTION, where they spend eternity by the side of SERVŌ.
-Names heaven for the first time.
-Includes small animals to satisfy childish desire for eternal life.
-Shows dead Servatologist ascending into heaven.   

 6. We must all surrender ourselves to SERVŌ by following his every instruction if we wish to be saved and visit the REALM OF ETERNAL SATISFACTION when our Earth-lives end.
-Group mentality bought up.
-Conform or be judged by society. 
-Praise of an Idol of Servo is depicted.
-Surrender of free though and self determination.

 7. SERVŌ guides us spiritually through his onscreen sermon, roughly every 15-30 minutes on most ‘Saved’ channels.  
-Explains practice of watching tv to receive sermon straight from God.
-Depicts Servatologist watching advert during ad-break to determine what to buy next. 


8. SERVŌ also invented the Internet. Fact. SERVŌ uses the internet to spread his message 24 hours a day, 7 Days a week, through GoogleAdSense.
-Explains practice of surfing the web and seeing adverts, also gods message.
-Subtly hints towards cults links to public relations and advertisement industry. 


9. In the REALM OF ETERNAL SATISFACTION, SERVŌ, will give us a perfect form. Our bodies will be clear of Toxin’s and Blemishes and our hair will be Smooth and Silky.
-Tenet uses language employed by cosmetics companies to sell products with worthless advatages over competition.
-Female holds up tray of cosmetics on platter, raising them to holy status on how to behave as a servatologist.


 10. When the Saved reach the REALM OF ETERNAL SATISFACTION, SERVŌ, will provide never-ending Diet Coke and Burger King Big Whoppers. Fact. 
-Wild and improbable claim, although most religious claim heaven will have everything they ever wanted, what's the difference here?
-Backed up with imagery satirically looking at the way fast food is presented in advertisement, healthy, nutritious and tasty.   


11. SERVŌ Loves you. If you disobey SERVŌ he will trap you forever in the LAND OF ABERRATION with other layabouts, freeloaders, atheists and communists. 
-Two possible pictogram options. 
-First, those considering we are equals are sent to hell in Servatology. 
-Second, same principle but with one character rejecting capitalism, one rejecting religion and one considering all humans equal being the main candidates for Hell. 

12. In the LAND OF ABERRATION you will be tormented forever by fiery hot death and Facebook rape for all of Time.
-Another wild claim, thought that it may be pushing the cult to far, however which idea is really more insane? That a person could be tortured forever with fire or with facebook rape. Equally unbelievable in my opinion. 
-Depiction of a man being burnt alive with a pc monitor of his facebook rape falling on his head.

 13. SERVŌ is showing us a vision of a perfect Earth. One which we could all be part of if we only followed his simple commands. 
-Screen shows classic idea of the 10 commandments with a Servatology twist. 
-Again a group is depicted beneath the powerful commandment screen. 


 14. When SERVŌ tells us to consume we must consume. SERVŌ is Infallible. 
-Final pictogram sums up overall message.
-Shows character following exactly what the screen (god) tells him to do. 

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