Saturday 20 April 2013

STUDIO TASK 2// Other Mock-Cults

Like my own cult there are a few other examples where a group has created a mock cult to raise the question of religion and ethics in a skeptical light. The first example here is Epsilon, a cult invented by rockstar games which appears in their Grand Theft Auto series. The cult is usually used as a piece of background material to give more depth to the in game world however it may play a more pivotal role in the next game as some Epsilon promotional material has surfaced in the last few days.

Firstly this screensaver and promotional video has been released. The cult appears to be heavily influenced by scientology in its use of colours and font. The video explains the 12 Tenets and 12 Goals of Epsilonism with repetitive music and text based delivery.

The cult makes wild and seemingly pointless claims throughout the videos and backs them up with the world 'FACT'. This is a reflection on the way certain religious beliefs are backed up, i.e. 'The Bible is true because it says so in the Bible'.

The cult also makes very vague claims that are used to confirm faith in the cults process. Any specific details are left out which relieves the cult from any responsibility to actually perform or deliver on any of their promises.

The cult uses exaggerated forms of existing and established religious beliefs to mock and criticise those who hold them in real life. A creationist would argue that the world is only 6,000 years old, this cult satirically asks; this is just as ridiculous as saying 'its only 157 years old'.

With the promotional video came a website. The Website is very simple, stating only praise for the cult and two tabs labeled 'Give Money'. The site is a criticism of cults, like scientology, operating as businesses with the tax benefits of charities. The website uses a shade of blue aimed at appearing peaceful and truthful and Kifflom, the leader, is presented as a wealthy and powerful renaissance era character.

Another mock religion is the Church of the Flying Spagetti Monster. The aim of the cult is to point out that their own beliefs are no less unprovable than anyone else's. They re-appropriate religious artwork for their own use and have grown into a fairly powerful skeptics movement. They have no real belief system, obviously, however they dedicate their website to praising the Spagetti Monster and his Noodly Appendage, any hate mail they receive and general skeptics discussion.

They considered an official religion in some European countries and you can even become a FSM Minister for $30 giving you the right to perform marriage ceremonies.

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